
Showing posts from February, 2018

film poster analysis 4

This is a poster for the film, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. The main cast are shown clearly, one of them at the front, suggesting he is the main character. He is holding a wand, which is clearly shown. This suggests that the film is about magic. The cast's appearances are old fashioned, which suggests that the film is based in the past. "from J.K. Rowling's Wizarding world" is stated above the title. J.K. Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter books, and because of the huge popularity of the Harry Potter franchise, it makes sense to mention that this film is part of the same world. There are four, five star reviews at the the top of the poster, and stating the name of the review source. This obviously could influence people to watch the film, seeing that it has been received well. There is also a caption at the bottom of the poster - "Quite simply breathtaking" and the name of the source, under it. The age certificate is stated clearly, at t

film poster analysis 3

This is a poster for the film, Baby Driver. The film's genre is crime/action. This is shown through the image on he poster. We see a picture of a car speeding, which suggests action. We also see two characters, each holding a gun, which suggests crime. The main cast is shown clearly, and the main character, played by Ansel Elgort, is the biggest on the poster, which suggests he is the main character. We see the names of each cast member, at the side of the image, and can see the names clearly (their last names are stated wider). The title, "BABY DRIVER" is stated, widely and clearly, near the bottom, at the side. Smaller, the director's name is stated above the title. Below the title, small, but clearly, there is a caption - "ALL YOU NEED IS ONE KILLER TRACK" which connects to it being about crime. At the bottom of the poster, the release date is stated. It is not very noticeable but you can see it, if you are looking for it.

My short film, OONAGI (final version)


audience feedback questionnaire

These are the list of questions on the questionnaires that I made to give to my class for feedback on my short film.  What is your gender? Tick below.  Female ___  Male ___ What is your age?  10-15 ___  16-21 ___  22-28 ___  29 or older ___ What word do you think best describes this short film?  Excellent ___  Creative   ___  Entertaining   ___  Boring    ___  Ok   ___  Would you recommend this film to someone?  Yes ___  No ___  Maybe ___  What did you think of the variety of shots?  Excellent ___  Good ___  Ok ___  Bad ___ What did you think of the sound quality?  Excellent ___  Good ___  Ok ___  Bad ___  What did you think of the narrative?  Excellent ___  Good ___  Ok ___  Bad ___ Did you like the music coming on and stopping throughout?  Yes ___  No ___  Neu