
Evaluation question 4

"How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning, and evaluation stages?"

Evaluation question 3

"What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Evaluation question 2

How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary texts?  Click the link below to see my answer to this question!

Evaluation question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? During my A2 media, students had to create a short film, along with a magazine review and poster to go with it. It was our choice what the genre was. I chose to create a dark comedy (also known as black comedy) short film. In films, there are specific conventions that are followed in order for the audience to know that the film meets the audience's expectations. Dark comedy is slightly different than the type of comedy that is generally presented in films. Short films are different to feature films - there is a lot less time for character and plot development, therefore things need to develop and change quickly and simply. Something important needs to be happening almost at all times, that way the audience doesn't lose interest. Conventions of the comedy genre: Comedy sketches often occur in bright places Camera work used in comedies is naturalistic Dieget

Ancillary Final: Magazine Review


magazine film review analysis 2

This is a review of the film, Kick-Ass 2. Just in case someone didn't already know, it has "MOVIE REVIEW" at the top. The title of the film is in big, bold letters, making it easy for readers to notice. Above it, in smaller letters, it says "Starring Hit-Girl..." The fact that this is placed above the title suggests that hit-girl is the standout of the film.  A small box containing the basic movie information is located below the title. This is a necessary feature because it tells readers when the movie is released, and the age rating. Then you have the review and is placed around the 3 images used, and another important detail being the final, overall score located in the very bottom right. A score is needed mostly for readers, who don't want to read the full review, and just wanted to a simple answer of the reviewer's opinion on the film. It may convince a reader to see the film or not, depending solely on the score. The name of the reviewer is actua