magazine film review analysis 2

This is a review of the film, Kick-Ass 2. Just in case someone didn't already know, it has "MOVIE REVIEW" at the top. The title of the film is in big, bold letters, making it easy for readers to notice. Above it, in smaller letters, it says "Starring Hit-Girl..." The fact that this is placed above the title suggests that hit-girl is the standout of the film. A small box containing the basic movie information is located below the title. This is a necessary feature because it tells readers when the movie is released, and the age rating. Then you have the review and is placed around the 3 images used, and another important detail being the final, overall score located in the very bottom right. A score is needed mostly for readers, who don't want to read the full review, and just wanted to a simple answer of the reviewer's opinion on the film. It may convince a reader to see the film or not, depending solely on the score. The name of the reviewer is actually hidden away behind the info box, which would make sense, unless he’s well-known for his reviews. The review is quite quirky and certainly informal. Also, something to keep in mind is whenever a character is mentioned; the actor who plays them is added in brackets.


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