Short film analysis 2: The Black Hole

Since I have to create a short film, I am researching short films. This is a very known short film, called The Black Hole. It follows the joke structure narrative, which is the kind of narrative I want my short film to follow.

We immediately see the character and he looks miserable. He is clearly in an office, and he is wearing a button shirt and a tie, which indicates he works there. This is done to make him relatable to the audience, as there are plenty of people who are unhappy with their job.

He then discovers a paper, that has a black hole on it, that he can put his hand through. He puts it on a vending machine, and gets a chocolate bar from it. This seems relatively innocent, but it sets up what happens after. He goes to his work's safe, and grabs some money from it, with the black hole. He gets greedy and takes a lot of money. He gets so carried away, that he climbs into the black hole, to try and get in the safe. The twist at the end is that the paper with the black hole on it, falls off the of the safe, meaning he is trapped in there. The twist is unexpected, yet it is so simple, and makes sense to the audience.


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